Fresh Cup O' JavaScript

A Journey of Ruby and the (Software Engineering) Beast

HTML and the Web

This week, I began exploring HTML. Before starting my program here at Flatiron School, I was actually learning a little HTML through a different bootcamp before deciding to make the switch. This was definitely a nice break after seemingly endless hours of tic tac toe in Ruby!

Ruby Conditionals

This last week, I explored conditionals used in Ruby. I was pleasantly surprised to find that “if,” elsif,” and “else” statements used in Ruby are quite similar to the concepts I learned in my symbolic logic class in undergrad. I definitely thought the labs for section 6 would be easy, but they still challenged me. One thing I’ve realized while learning Ruby is how exact you must be with your syntax, which all in all is a good thing in my opinion. Well, needless to say, it did take me a while to pass my tests, but I persevered and finished them all.

Starting Ruby

So, I’ve gotten through learning about setting up GitHub and how gems work. I’ve gotten partway through the introduction to Ruby, and I have a few thoughts so far. I have a little experience with HTML and CSS, but none with Ruby. When I began learning HTML, I thought it was quite straightforward and almost intuitive on some levels. Ruby has been a slightly different story. I find that sometimes, I’ll go over the same lesson or lab a few times just to be sure I have the material down really well. I really like how thoughtful Yukihuro Matsumoto was when creating this language. Thus far, I’ve enjoyed learning about variables and methods. I have a background in tutoring foreign languages, so for me, I feel like I have something to connect my background with when learning these new concepts for web development. I will keep pushing forward and making sure that I understand how methods work even if it means I need to slow down a little bit and take some extra time to really solidify the concepts and practice more. I’m excited to dig deeper into Ruby to see how it will play a role in future projects!

Web of Wonder