Web of Wonder

Posted by Kristina Frederick on January 14, 2020

I get asked this question a lot: what made you decide on coding?

The short answer? I like to be challenged, and I consider myself a lifelong learner. While growing up, I watched my father enjoy his career working at MCI as a software engineer. I always thought computers were fascinating, and often I ended up as the family IT support. I say that lovingly, of course, and I enjoyed helping out wherever I could.

I moved to a different city and started working after I graduated with my bachelors degree. I originally thought I wanted to become an attorney, but after talking to some folks who work in the legal field, I realized that often they lacked a work-life balance depending on where they were in their careers. I knew that becoming a lawyer wasn’t for me then and there. To be frank, I really value my free time. I think that goes without saying.

My dad kept telling me that I would be a great fit for technical roles. I couldn’t disagree more. I thought I’d be stuck in administrative positions for life. The endless paperwork, picking up the phone, and ordering catering for the office was my life up until now. I knew I was unhappy, so I consulted with my closest confidant: Google. I took countless career matching quizes and begged the almighty web for an answer. That’s when I found out you could break into tech through bootcamps. So here I am. This is just the beginning of my journey. I’m excited to see where I’ll go!